Order to Cash Cycle (Explained in detail)

Friday, October 26, 2012 by Ajay Atre

Order to Cash Cycle (Explained in detail)

Step#1 - Creating Customer
Order Management Super User - Navigation: Customer/Standard
Enter Customer name
Table affected – HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS (account_number is customer number, cust_account_id is id)
HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL (linked to HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS.cust_account_id)
HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL will determine site usage like bill to ship to etc.
(Linked as HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL.cust_acct_site_id)

Click on ship to site and enter the defaults like order type, price list and warehouse

Step#2 - Creating Item
Inventory- Navigation: Items/Master Item

Copy from template tools – copy from –purchased item

Assigning locator control

Organization assignment - Assigning it to M1.

Please note here
In the Vision Demo instance, the Purchasing and Order Management Attributes are controlled at Item Master level. By choosing the attributes at the item master level (V1) automatically sets these attributes for all organizations which are assigned (ex. M1 and M2).  By choosing the attributes at the Item Master level - they are already set for all inventory organizations assigned.

Step#3 create onhand inventory for the item created
Inventory- Navigation: transactions/Miscellaneous Transaction

Change the organization as M1 and then do the miscellaneous receipt
Enter subinventory and locator (remember item is locator controlled) and account as miscellaneous and save the record

Check the On-hand quantity for your item.
- Navigate to Inventory > On-hand, Availability > On-hand Quantity
- Enter your item in the Query Material screen and click on Find.
- Verify that the On-hand quantity exists.

Step#4 Create Price List and assign item to price list
Oracle Pricing Manager Vision operations - Navigation: Price Lists/Price List Setup

Create price list as ORATEST_PRICELIST
Add item to price list
Product Context: Item
Product Attribute : Item Number
Value : 100

Step#4 Defaulting Rule
Defaulting rules determine the values that you want to get defaulted into a sales order to reduce the amount of information you need to enter manually. 
You could create and modify defaulting rules, in which case the Defaulting Generator concurrent program needs to be run.
Order Management Super User- Navigation: Rules/Defaulting
Examine the setup from the following screenshot. This is saying that when entering a sales order, the Order Type will default to the value set up at the Invoice To, Ship To, and finally the Customer, wherever it is found first in that sequence.

Now you can default the order type to the customer site, does mean whenever you get the order created against this site the order will be Mixed as its defaulted from customer Site.

Step#5 Creating an Order
Order Management Super User- Navigation: Orders Returns/Sales Orders
Table affected –


As soon as you create order note the order type, price lists and warehouse are getting defaulted from customer site

Note here order line status will be ENTERED and once you book the order it will be BOOKED
Table affected –

·         WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS (DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID is assigned here, RELEASED_STATUS ‘R’ ready to release, LINE_ID comes as SOURCE_LINE_ID) 

In shipping transaction form order status remains "Ready to Release".

Reserving the order-
You can either do auto allocate or manually reserve the order by opening order lines and tools- reservation details.
Enter subinventory, lot, locator reservations.
Table affected –
·         MTL_DEMAND and MTL_RESERVATIONS table get updated. LINE_ID gets updated in DEMAND_SOURCE_LINE_ID in both the tables.

Step#6 Pick Release the Order
Order Management Super User- Navigation: Shipping/Release Sales Orders/Release Sales Orders
Table affected –
·         WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES (one record gets inserted with SOURCE_HEADER_ID= order header ID, STATUS_CODE=OP =>open)
·         WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS (DELIVERY_ID gets assigned which comes from WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES)
·         WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS (RELEASED_STATUS ‘S’ ‘submitted for release’)
Pick confirmed
·         WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS (RELEASED_STATUS becomes ‘Y’ => ‘Released’ )

In the Order tab, enter your order number

Under Inventory tab enter warehouse as M1 and auto allocate as Yes

Shipping tab. Set the following value if it is not defaulted.
Autocreate Delivery = Yes
Auto Pick Confirm = Yes

Click on the Concurrent button.
Once submitted Pick selection List generation will run in background, this is the concurrent program will will do pick release of the sales order.

Step#7 Ship Confirm the Order
Order Management Super User- Navigation: Shipping/Transactions
Table affected –
·         Data deleted from MTL_DEMAND, MTL_RESERVATIONS
·         Item deducted from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES

Once completed the order line status will be staged/pick confirmed

Go to the Delivery tab and click the Ship Confirm button. In the Confirm Delivery window, accept the default parameters and click on OK.

Once clicked OK Interface trip stop (ITS) will run automatically deferring ITS (checking this box) means you need to run the concurrent in a separate step(Shipping > Interfaces > Run (Interface Trip Stop - SRS)).
ITS will actually do the inventory reduction for the item

So if you navigate to Inventory > Transactions > Material Transactions
You will see the transaction type as Sales Order Issue
This is the Inventory Transaction that happened when the item was shipped out of the warehouse M

Sales Order Pick, are for the move order transaction that happened automatically during Pick Release 

Until ITS is not completed the order status will be Shipped

Once ITS completes order status will change to interfaced

Once the order is shipped the status or the order line will show as shipped

To make it closed we need to run Workflow Background process

Once Workflow background process completes order status will be closed and the order then will be transferred to Receivables by which you can create an invoice.

Step#7 Invoice Creation
Receivables Vision Operations - Navigation: Control/AutoInvoice/Interface Lines
Table affected –

Once the order is closed you can see its eligible for invoicing by querying Sales order number in interface lines

Run the Auto invoice
Receivables Vision Operations - Navigation: Interfaces/AutoInvoice

Pass on the Invoice Source

Invoice source – you can find the exact invoice source by looking the order management /setup/transaction types.

For example invoice source for transaction type mixed is ORDER ENTRY

Once the auto invoice completes ok you can see the invoice generated.
Table affected –
select * from ra_customer_trx_all where interface_header_attribute1 = <Order_number>
select * from ra_customer_trx_lines_all where interface_line_attribute1 =<Order_number>

Here the O2C cycle end

Filed under , , having


Govardhan said...

excellent post Ajay.

it is very useful beginners like me.

i would like know more about accounting impact as you clearly explained in p2p cycle.

kindly post accounting impact...



Anonymous said...

Awesome work.. Great job

AbhijitSk said...

Awesome work
Thank you Sir.


Adakah anda memerlukan pinjaman yang sah, jujur, bereputasi baik dan mendesak? Pencarian anda untuk pinjaman yang sah berakhir di sini hari ini kerana kami di sini untuk memenuhi keperluan kewangan anda. Sekiranya atas sebab apa pun anda ditolak pinjaman dari bank atau institusi kewangan, jangan bimbang lagi masalah kewangan anda kerana kami adalah penyelesaian untuk masalah kewangan anda. Kami telah membuat pinjaman perniagaan berbilion (mata wang campuran) kepada lebih daripada 32,000 pemilik perniagaan. Kami menggunakan teknologi risiko yang ditetapkan sendiri untuk memberi anda pinjaman korporat yang tepat supaya anda dapat mengembangkan perniagaan anda. Kami menawarkan semua jenis pinjaman dengan kadar faedah rendah dan juga jangka waktu untuk melunaskan pinjaman. Adakah anda mempunyai kredit buruk? Adakah anda memerlukan wang untuk membayar bil anda? atau adakah anda merasakan keperluan untuk memulakan perniagaan baru? Adakah anda mempunyai projek yang belum selesai kerana pembiayaan yang rendah? Adakah anda memerlukan wang untuk melabur dalam bidang khas yang akan memberi manfaat kepada anda? ISLAMIC REFINANCING LOAN COMPANY
tujuannya adalah untuk menyediakan e_mail perkhidmatan kewangan profesional yang sangat baik: [islamicrefinancing@gmail.com]
WhatsApp: +15716666386

Ahmed Neni said...

GMAIL PERUSAHAAN: onebillionrisingfund@gmail.com
NOMOR TEL: +1 267 526 5352
NOMOR WHATSAPP: +1 267 526 5352  
Selamat siang
Namaku Nyonya Ahmed Neni dan saya berbicara sebagai salah satu orang paling bahagia di dunia saat ini dan saya mengatakan kepada diri sendiri bahwa pemberi pinjaman yang menyelamatkan keluarga saya dari situasi buruk kami, saya akan menceritakan namanya kepada dunia dan saya sangat bahagia dengan katakan bahwa keluarga saya kembali untuk selamanya karena saya membutuhkan pinjaman sebesar Rp150.000.000.00 untuk memulai hidup saya sejak saya adalah satu ibu dengan 3 anak dan dunia sepertinya sedang bergantung pada saya saat saya mencoba untuk mendapatkan pinjaman Dari bank dan online bank menolak saya pinjaman mereka mengatakan bahwa penghasilan saya rendah dan saya tidak memiliki jaminan untuk pinjaman jadi saya pergi online dan hal-hal menjadi lebih sulit karena mereka merobek uang saya dari saya dengan janji manis untuk membantu saya sampai saya bertemu dengan ALLAH mengirim pinjaman pinjaman yang mengubah hidup saya dan keluarga saya, ONE BILLION RISING FUND dimana Juruselamat ALLAH dikirim untuk menyelamatkan keluarga saya dan pada awalnya saya pikir ini tidak akan mungkin terjadi karena pengalaman masa lalu saya dan janji palsu tapi untuk mengejutkan saya, saya menerima pinjaman saya sebesar Rp150.000.000.00 dan saya akan menyarankan siapa saja yang benar-benar membutuhkan pinjaman untuk menghubungi perusahaan tersebut, melalui email di: """""""(((((onebillionrisingfund@gmail.com))))))))"""""""karena mereka adalah pemberi pinjaman yang paling pengertian dan baik hati. Jika Anda melihat bagaimana memastikan pinjaman atau bagaimana mendapatkan pinjaman asli, perusahaan dapat membantu Anda. "

BBM: D8E814FC 

Sebagai penerima manfaat dari perusahaan saya adalah bukti hidup dari kerja baik perusahaan dan saya meyakinkan Anda bahwa Anda akan mendapatkan formulir pinjaman ONE BILLION RISING FUND. cukup hubungi mereka dan ikuti proses pemberian pinjaman yang mudah
GMAIL PERUSAHAAN: onebillionrisingfund@gmail.com
NOMOR TEL: +1 267 526 5352
NOMOR WHATSAPP: +1 267 526 5352

Anda dapat menghubungi saya Ahmed Neni pada informasi lebih lanjut ((ahmedneni48@gmail.com))

Allahu akbar

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