SQL Queries
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + customer TCA & site details based on order number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT ooh.order_number
, hl_ship.address1
|| DECODE (hl_ship.address2, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.address2
|| DECODE (hl_ship.address3, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.address3
|| DECODE (hl_ship.address4, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.address4
|| DECODE (hl_ship.city, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.city
|| DECODE (hl_ship.state, NULL, '', ',')
|| hl_ship.state
|| DECODE (hl_ship.postal_code, '', ',')
|| hl_ship.postal_code ship_to_address
, hl_bill.address1
|| DECODE (hl_bill.address2, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.address2
|| DECODE (hl_bill.address3, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.address3
|| DECODE (hl_bill.address4, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.address4
|| DECODE (hl_bill.city, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.city
|| DECODE (hl_bill.state, NULL, '', ',')
|| hl_bill.state
|| DECODE (hl_bill.postal_code, '', ',')
|| hl_bill.postal_code bill_to_address
,ooh.transactional_curr_code currency_code
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh
,hz_cust_site_uses_all hcs_ship
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all hca_ship
,hz_party_sites hps_ship
,hz_parties hp_ship
,hz_locations hl_ship
,hz_cust_site_uses_all hcs_bill
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all hca_bill
,hz_party_sites hps_bill
,hz_parties hp_bill
,hz_locations hl_bill
,mtl_parameters mp
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ooh.order_number IN (SELECT order_number
FROM oe_order_headers_all
WHERE order_number = :p_order_number)
AND ooh.ship_to_org_id = hcs_ship.site_use_id
AND hcs_ship.cust_acct_site_id = hca_ship.cust_acct_site_id
AND hca_ship.party_site_id = hps_ship.party_site_id
AND hps_ship.party_id = hp_ship.party_id
AND hps_ship.location_id = hl_ship.location_id
AND ooh.invoice_to_org_id = hcs_bill.site_use_id
AND hcs_bill.cust_acct_site_id = hca_bill.cust_acct_site_id
AND hca_bill.party_site_id = hps_bill.party_site_id
AND hps_bill.party_id = hp_bill.party_id
AND hps_bill.location_id = hl_bill.location_id
AND mp.organization_id(+) = ooh.ship_from_org_id
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + PO details based on PO number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT DECODE (por.release_num, NULL, poh.segment1, poh.segment1 || '-' || por.release_num) po_number_release
,pol.line_num line
,pov.vendor_name vendor
,pol.item_revision rev
,pol.item_description description
,pod.distribution_num distribution
,DECODE (plt.order_type_lookup_code, 'AMOUNT', NULL, pll.price_override) unit_price
,pll.promised_date promised_date
,pol.unit_meas_lookup_code unit
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', pod.amount_ordered, 'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_ordered, pod.quantity_ordered)
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', pod.amount_billed, 'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_billed, pod.quantity_billed)
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', pod.amount_delivered, 'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_delivered, pod.quantity_delivered)
, DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code
,'RATE', (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0))
/ DECODE (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0), 0, 1, pod.amount_ordered)
,'FIXED PRICE', (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0))
/ DECODE (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0), 0, 1, pod.amount_ordered)
, (NVL (pod.quantity_ordered, 0) - NVL (pod.quantity_billed, 0))
/ DECODE (NVL (pod.quantity_ordered, 0), 0, 1, pod.quantity_ordered)
* 100 percent_unbilled
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code
,'RATE', pod.amount_ordered - NVL (pod.amount_cancelled, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0)
,'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_ordered - NVL (pod.amount_cancelled, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0)
, (pod.quantity_ordered - NVL (pod.quantity_cancelled, 0) - NVL (pod.quantity_billed, 0)) * pll.price_override
) c_amount_open_inv
,poh.currency_code currency
,NVL (por.po_release_id, -1) release_id
,poh.cancel_flag poh_cancel_flag
,por.cancel_flag por_cancel_flag
,pol.cancel_flag pol_cancel_flag
,pll.cancel_flag pll_cancel_flag
,poh.closed_code poh_closed_code
,por.closed_code por_closed_code
,pol.closed_code pol_closed_code
,pll.closed_code pll_closed_code
FROM po_distributions pod
,mtl_system_items msi
,po_line_locations pll
,po_lines pol
,po_releases por
,po_headers poh
,po_vendors pov
,financials_system_parameters fsp
,po_line_types plt
WHERE poh.segment1 = :p_po_number
AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
AND pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
AND pll.line_location_id = pod.line_location_id
AND pol.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
AND msi.organization_id = fsp.inventory_organization_id
AND poh.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id(+)
AND pll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
AND pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + Find Receipts based on PO number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT pol.po_header_id
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code
,'RATE', NVL (rct.amount, 0)
,'FIXED PRICE', NVL (rct.amount, 0)
,NVL (rct.source_doc_quantity, 0)
) transaction_qty
FROM rcv_transactions rct, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, rcv_shipment_lines rsl, po_lines pol, po_line_locations pll, po_headers_all poh
WHERE rct.po_line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
AND rct.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
AND NVL (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'QUANTITY') NOT IN ('RATE', 'FIXED PRICE')
AND rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
AND poh.segment1 = :p_po_number
ORDER BY rct.transaction_id
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + PO and requisition details based on PO number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT prh.segment1 req_number
,prl.line_num req_line_num
,prl.item_description req_item_description
,prl.unit_price req_unit_price
,prl.quantity req_quantity
,ph.segment1 po_number
FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh
,po_requisition_lines_all prl
,po_req_distributions_all prd
,po_distributions_all pd
,po_line_locations_all pll
,po_lines_all pl
,po_headers_all ph
WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
AND prh.org_id = prl.org_id
AND prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id
AND prl.org_id = prd.org_id
AND prd.distribution_id = pd.req_distribution_id(+)
AND prd.org_id = pd.org_id(+)
AND pd.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id(+)
AND pd.org_id = pll.org_id(+)
AND pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id(+)
AND pll.org_id = pl.org_id(+)
AND pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id(+)
AND pl.org_id = ph.org_id(+)
AND ph.segment1 = :p_po_number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + Internal Requisition details
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT prh.segment1 "Req #"
,poh.segment1 "PO #"
,ppx.full_name "Requestor Name"
,prh.description "Req Description"
FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh
,po_requisition_lines_all prl
,po_req_distributions_all prd
,per_people_x ppx
,po_headers_all poh
,po_distributions_all pda
WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
AND ppx.person_id = prh.preparer_id
AND prh.type_lookup_code = 'INTERNAL'
AND prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
AND pda.req_distribution_id(+) = prd.distribution_id
AND pda.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id(+)
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + customer TCA & site details based on order number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT ooh.order_number
, hl_ship.address1
|| DECODE (hl_ship.address2, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.address2
|| DECODE (hl_ship.address3, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.address3
|| DECODE (hl_ship.address4, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.address4
|| DECODE (hl_ship.city, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_ship.city
|| DECODE (hl_ship.state, NULL, '', ',')
|| hl_ship.state
|| DECODE (hl_ship.postal_code, '', ',')
|| hl_ship.postal_code ship_to_address
, hl_bill.address1
|| DECODE (hl_bill.address2, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.address2
|| DECODE (hl_bill.address3, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.address3
|| DECODE (hl_bill.address4, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.address4
|| DECODE (hl_bill.city, NULL, '', CHR (10))
|| hl_bill.city
|| DECODE (hl_bill.state, NULL, '', ',')
|| hl_bill.state
|| DECODE (hl_bill.postal_code, '', ',')
|| hl_bill.postal_code bill_to_address
,ooh.transactional_curr_code currency_code
FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh
,hz_cust_site_uses_all hcs_ship
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all hca_ship
,hz_party_sites hps_ship
,hz_parties hp_ship
,hz_locations hl_ship
,hz_cust_site_uses_all hcs_bill
,hz_cust_acct_sites_all hca_bill
,hz_party_sites hps_bill
,hz_parties hp_bill
,hz_locations hl_bill
,mtl_parameters mp
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ooh.order_number IN (SELECT order_number
FROM oe_order_headers_all
WHERE order_number = :p_order_number)
AND ooh.ship_to_org_id = hcs_ship.site_use_id
AND hcs_ship.cust_acct_site_id = hca_ship.cust_acct_site_id
AND hca_ship.party_site_id = hps_ship.party_site_id
AND hps_ship.party_id = hp_ship.party_id
AND hps_ship.location_id = hl_ship.location_id
AND ooh.invoice_to_org_id = hcs_bill.site_use_id
AND hcs_bill.cust_acct_site_id = hca_bill.cust_acct_site_id
AND hca_bill.party_site_id = hps_bill.party_site_id
AND hps_bill.party_id = hp_bill.party_id
AND hps_bill.location_id = hl_bill.location_id
AND mp.organization_id(+) = ooh.ship_from_org_id
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + PO details based on PO number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT DECODE (por.release_num, NULL, poh.segment1, poh.segment1 || '-' || por.release_num) po_number_release
,pol.line_num line
,pov.vendor_name vendor
,pol.item_revision rev
,pol.item_description description
,pod.distribution_num distribution
,DECODE (plt.order_type_lookup_code, 'AMOUNT', NULL, pll.price_override) unit_price
,pll.promised_date promised_date
,pol.unit_meas_lookup_code unit
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', pod.amount_ordered, 'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_ordered, pod.quantity_ordered)
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', pod.amount_billed, 'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_billed, pod.quantity_billed)
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'RATE', pod.amount_delivered, 'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_delivered, pod.quantity_delivered)
, DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code
,'RATE', (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0))
/ DECODE (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0), 0, 1, pod.amount_ordered)
,'FIXED PRICE', (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0))
/ DECODE (NVL (pod.amount_ordered, 0), 0, 1, pod.amount_ordered)
, (NVL (pod.quantity_ordered, 0) - NVL (pod.quantity_billed, 0))
/ DECODE (NVL (pod.quantity_ordered, 0), 0, 1, pod.quantity_ordered)
* 100 percent_unbilled
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code
,'RATE', pod.amount_ordered - NVL (pod.amount_cancelled, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0)
,'FIXED PRICE', pod.amount_ordered - NVL (pod.amount_cancelled, 0) - NVL (pod.amount_billed, 0)
, (pod.quantity_ordered - NVL (pod.quantity_cancelled, 0) - NVL (pod.quantity_billed, 0)) * pll.price_override
) c_amount_open_inv
,poh.currency_code currency
,NVL (por.po_release_id, -1) release_id
,poh.cancel_flag poh_cancel_flag
,por.cancel_flag por_cancel_flag
,pol.cancel_flag pol_cancel_flag
,pll.cancel_flag pll_cancel_flag
,poh.closed_code poh_closed_code
,por.closed_code por_closed_code
,pol.closed_code pol_closed_code
,pll.closed_code pll_closed_code
FROM po_distributions pod
,mtl_system_items msi
,po_line_locations pll
,po_lines pol
,po_releases por
,po_headers poh
,po_vendors pov
,financials_system_parameters fsp
,po_line_types plt
WHERE poh.segment1 = :p_po_number
AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
AND pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
AND pll.line_location_id = pod.line_location_id
AND pol.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
AND msi.organization_id = fsp.inventory_organization_id
AND poh.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id(+)
AND pll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
AND pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + Find Receipts based on PO number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT pol.po_header_id
,DECODE (pol.order_type_lookup_code
,'RATE', NVL (rct.amount, 0)
,'FIXED PRICE', NVL (rct.amount, 0)
,NVL (rct.source_doc_quantity, 0)
) transaction_qty
FROM rcv_transactions rct, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, rcv_shipment_lines rsl, po_lines pol, po_line_locations pll, po_headers_all poh
WHERE rct.po_line_location_id = pll.line_location_id
AND rct.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
AND NVL (pol.order_type_lookup_code, 'QUANTITY') NOT IN ('RATE', 'FIXED PRICE')
AND rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
AND rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
AND poh.segment1 = :p_po_number
ORDER BY rct.transaction_id
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + PO and requisition details based on PO number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT prh.segment1 req_number
,prl.line_num req_line_num
,prl.item_description req_item_description
,prl.unit_price req_unit_price
,prl.quantity req_quantity
,ph.segment1 po_number
FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh
,po_requisition_lines_all prl
,po_req_distributions_all prd
,po_distributions_all pd
,po_line_locations_all pll
,po_lines_all pl
,po_headers_all ph
WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
AND prh.org_id = prl.org_id
AND prl.requisition_line_id = prd.requisition_line_id
AND prl.org_id = prd.org_id
AND prd.distribution_id = pd.req_distribution_id(+)
AND prd.org_id = pd.org_id(+)
AND pd.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id(+)
AND pd.org_id = pll.org_id(+)
AND pll.po_line_id = pl.po_line_id(+)
AND pll.org_id = pl.org_id(+)
AND pl.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id(+)
AND pl.org_id = ph.org_id(+)
AND ph.segment1 = :p_po_number
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
-- + Internal Requisition details
-- +------------------------------------------------------------+
SELECT prh.segment1 "Req #"
,poh.segment1 "PO #"
,ppx.full_name "Requestor Name"
,prh.description "Req Description"
FROM po_requisition_headers_all prh
,po_requisition_lines_all prl
,po_req_distributions_all prd
,per_people_x ppx
,po_headers_all poh
,po_distributions_all pda
WHERE prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id
AND ppx.person_id = prh.preparer_id
AND prh.type_lookup_code = 'INTERNAL'
AND prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
AND pda.req_distribution_id(+) = prd.distribution_id
AND pda.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id(+)
Nama saya Bu Yanti Ari. Saya adalah pemilik bisnis yang menjual kosmetik. Untuk beberapa waktu, saya telah mencari pemberi pinjaman pinjaman yang andal yang dapat saya pinjam untuk mengembangkan bisnis saya dan juga menciptakan pekerjaan untuk orang lain. Pengalaman pertama saya dengan pemberi pinjaman pinjaman internet sangat buruk dan saya kehilangan jumlah 28 juta karena saya mengajukan pinjaman sebesar 600 juta untuk meningkatkan bisnis saya. Setelah pengalaman saya, saya berjanji pada diri sendiri bahwa saya tidak akan pernah meminjam dari internet karena saya ditipu.
Jadi, suatu hari yang setia saya membaca artikel di blog dan setelah saya selesai membaca, saya pergi untuk memeriksa bagian komentar untuk mengetahui pendapat mereka. Saya melihat komentar dari "Dian Pelangi", perancang busana terkenal dan dia berbagi cerita tentang bagaimana dia meminjam pinjaman besar dari perusahaan tempat Nyonya Ana Michael bekerja.
Kemudian, saya memutuskan untuk menghubungi Dian Pelangi, perancang busana terkenal dan saya menceritakan kisah saya tentang bagaimana saya kehilangan 28 juta karena pemberi pinjaman buruk kepadanya. Saya masih ingat dengan jelas bagaimana dia memberi tahu saya bahwa semua pencarian saya untuk pemberi pinjaman yang andal sudah berakhir. dia mengirimi saya nomor teleponnya dan saya meneleponnya untuk memastikan karena saya tidak ingin kehilangan uang lagi. dia berbicara dengan saya dan berkata saya harus menghubungi detail perusahaan tempat Nyonya Ana Michael bekerja dan saya akan menerima pinjaman saya tanpa penundaan dan saya harus mencoba untuk berbagi kabar baik saya agar orang lain diselamatkan dari pemberi pinjaman yang buruk.
Maka saya menghubungi Ibu Ana Michael melalui email: (ANAMICHAELGUARANTYTRUSTLOANS@GMAIL.COM)
Ini email Dian Pelangi: (DIANPELANGIINDONESIA@GMAIL.COM) yang saya hubungi.
Setelah saya menghubungi perusahaan pinjaman, saya diminta untuk menyerahkan semua yang diperlukan dari saya sebagai peminjam dan setelah beberapa saat, pinjaman tersebut disetujui untuk saya dan saya menerima pinjaman saya tanpa penundaan atau segala bentuk stres.
jadi, saya menambahkan informasi pribadi saya untuk siapa saja yang mencari pemberi pinjaman yang dapat dipercaya untuk menghubungi saya dan saya siap membantu Anda karena saya ingin orang lain diselamatkan dari pemberi pinjaman yang buruk.
Nama: Yanti Ari
Nomor telepon saya: +62821-1644-0184
Nomor Whatsapp: +62821-1644-0184
Kota: Medan
Email saya: ARIY6261@GMAIL.COM
Saya berdoa semoga Allah mengabulkan orang-orang yang membutuhkan pinjaman untuk melihat kisah saya ini sehingga mereka dapat diselamatkan saat saya diselamatkan. Saya selalu siap membantu siapa saja yang membutuhkan jadi jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya kapan saja karena saya tidak ingin orang-orang saya jatuh ke tangan pencuri !!!
Data pribadi
Negara: Indonesia
Nama: Wahyu Sapto Handoko
Email: wahyusaptohandoko256@gmail.com
Alamat: Jl. Sukarela rt.02 / 05 Paninggilan, Ciledug, Tangerang
Sudah empat tahun sekarang saya telah memberikan kesaksian tentang bagaimana saya meminjam Rp1,2 miliar dari ibu Helen dan beberapa orang meragukan saya karena tingkat penipuan online. Ibu Helen Wilson telah memberi saya satu hal lagi untuk tersenyum karena setelah menyelesaikan angsuran pinjaman bulanan yang saya pinjam sebelumnya, saya memohon kepada Ibu Helen bahwa saya ingin pergi untuk ekspansi bisnis lebih lanjut sehingga saya meminta tambahan Rp3,7 miliar setelah melalui saya proses hukum. pinjaman itu disetujui oleh manajemen mereka dan saya menerima pinjaman saya dalam waktu kurang dari 48 jam di rekening bank BRI saya. Saya tidak memiliki tantangan dengan bank karena Mrs. Helen Wilson dan tim manajemen pinjaman WEMA Finance telah dianggap sebagai pemberi pinjaman yang sah baik di Amerika Serikat, MALAYSIA, INDONESIA dan Rumania, sehingga tidak ada masalah sama sekali.
Untuk pinjaman apa pun, saya sangat merekomendasikan Ibu Helen Wilson hari ini dan selalu
Email: (helenwilson719@gmail.com)
WA: +1-585-326-2165
Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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